Check out Lightbulb Cuisine for their Easy Bake Oven giveway. There are a couple of entry requirements, but it's easy peasy! A couple of clicks and you're golden! Hurry, the contest ends Friday, May 29.
The people I live with say I often exaggerate. Not the kind where I make up stories, but the kind where I like to over emphasize. Hey, I like adjectives and colorful language. So sue me!
I am married to my main man MacDaddy, and we live in the 'burbs with our daughters Bella, 14, and Baby, 5, and our dachshund, Weenie.
Oh, and I have a boat load of opinions. I'm sure you'll notice that about me.
I loved my Easy Bake when I was a little girl. That and my Lite Brite.
awesome thanks!
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